221 research outputs found

    La symphysite pubienne du post-partum: Un diagnostic difficile

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    La symphysite pubienne est une localisation rare de l'arthrite septique. Son association Ă  la grossesse est exceptionnelle. Nous rapportons un cas de symphysite pubienne survenant dans les suites d'un accouchement par voie basse. Le diagnostic est difficile en post-partum. Il faut savoir l'Ă©voquer devant toute douleur pubienne atypique dans sa prĂ©sentation ou dans son Ă©volution. Le diagnostic doit ĂȘtre posĂ© de façon prĂ©coce car l'Ă©volution peut se faire dans le cas contraire vers la chronicitĂ©

    Étude du rĂ©gime alimentaire de deux souches de truite arc-en-ciel marocaine et bulgare dans deux plans d'eau du Moyen-Atlas Amghass I et Amghass II

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    Le présent travail porte sur l'étude du régime alimentaire de deux souches de truites arc-en-ciel : la souche marocaine issue de croisements de truites arc-en-ciel en provenance d'Europe et d'Amérique du nord et la souche bulgare introduite au Maroc en 1987. Les milieux d'étude sont deux plans d'eau du Moyen-Atlas marocain (Amghass I et Amghass II) présentant des eaux de bonne qualité physique et chimique et une diversité biologique (invertébrés) assez importante. Afin de déterminer les préférences alimentaires de ces deux souches nous avons évalué : le spectre alimentaire, déterminé par les abondances relatives, les coefficients d'occurrence des proies ingérées, l'indice alimentaire de Lauzanne pour les différentes catégories de proies et l'intensité de prédation des truites.Les résultats ont montré une similitude au niveau des régimes alimentaires des deux souches caractérisés par une nette préférence pour les larves et nymphes d'Insectes considérées comme proies essentielles.This current work is about the study of the dietary regime of two species of rainbow trout. The Moroccan kind is a cross breed of the European and North American Rainbow trout and the Bulgarian trout introduced into Morocco since 1987.The environments of study are two stretches of water in the "Moyen-Atlas" (Amghass I and Amghass II), which present water of good physical and chemical quality and are of quite important biological diversity.To determine the dietary preferences of the two species, we evaluated several parameters: the dietary spectrum which is determined by the relative abundance and the coefficient of occurence of ingested prey, the index alimentary of Lauzanne for the different categories of prey and how predatory the trout areThe results have shown a similarity in the level of dietary regimes of the two populations outlined by a clear preference for larvae and nymph insects which are considered to be essential prey

    Hydatid Cyst of the Heart: Six Clinical Cases

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    Hydatidosis is a cosmopolitan disease due to Echinococcus granulosus. The hydatid cyst of the heart (HCH) occurs in 0.5 to 2% of all hydatid locations. We report of six cases of HCH surgery under cardiopulmonary bypass, done in cardiovascular surgery department at Hassan II university teaching hospital in Fez, Morocco to analyze their diagnostic and therapeutic aspects. This is a retrospective study done, from January 2012 to April 2015. Six cases of hydatid cyst of the heart were collected among 760 cardiac surgery patients, with a frequency of 0.8%. The average age was 29 years, a sex ratio of 1.5 in favour of women. The hydatid cysts (HC) were in the wall and the inter septum of the right atrium in 2 cases and in the wall of the left ventricle in 4 cases. The association with other locations were noted with three patients with lung HC, one patient with liver HC, and the other one with a brain and peritoneal location.Cardiac hydatid disease is mainly characterized by its clinical polymorphism, latency and severity of complications that are often indicative of the condition and can immediately be life-threatening. Advances in medical imaging has significantly contributed to improving its diagnosis, and echocardiography is one of the key tests for specifying the location. The CT scan, MRI contribute to the staging the disease. Hydatid serology is an important test and is necessary both for diagnostic purposes and for monitoring. Curative treatment of HCH is primarily surgical, which must be done as soon as the diagnosis is made and before the complications occur

    Quantitative Assessment of the Impact of Crohn\u27s Disease on Protein Abundance of Human Intestinal Drug-Metabolising Enzymes and Transporters

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    Crohn\u27s disease affects the mucosal layer of the intestine, predominantly ileum and colon segments, with the potential to affect the expression of intestinal enzymes and transporters, and consequently, oral drug bioavailability. We carried out a quantitative proteomic analysis of inflamed and non-inflamed ileum and colon tissues from Crohn\u27s disease patients and healthy donors. Homogenates from samples in each group were pooled and protein abundance determined by liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry (LC-MS). In inflamed Crohn\u27s ileum, CYP3A4, CYP20A1, CYP51A1, ADH1B, ALPI, FOM1, SULT1A2, SULT1B1 and ABCB7 showed ≄10-fold reduction in abundance compared with healthy baseline. By contrast, only MGST1 showed ≄10 fold reduction in inflamed colon. Ileal UGT1A1, MGST1, MGST2, and MAOA levels increased by ≄2 fold in Crohn\u27s patients, while only ALPI showed ≄2 fold increase in the colon. Counter-intuitively, non-inflamed ileum had a higher magnitude of fold change than inflamed tissue when compared with healthy tissue. Marked but non-uniform alterations were observed in the expression of various enzymes and transporters in ileum and colon compared with healthy samples. Modelling will allow improved understanding of the variable effects of Crohn\u27s disease on bioavailability of orally administered drugs

    Understanding the origins of the intrinsic dead-layer effect in nanocapacitors

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    Thin films of high-permittivity dielectrics are considered ideal candidates for realizing high charge density nanosized capacitors for use in next generation energy storage and nanoelectronic applications. The experimentally observed capacitance of such film nanocapacitors is, however, an order of magnitude lower than expected. This dramatic drop in capacitance is attributed to the so called dead layer - a low-permittivity layer at the metal-dielectric interface in series with the high-permittivity dielectric. The exact nature of the dead layer and the reasons for its origin still remain somewhat unclear. Based on insights gained from recently published ab initio work on SrRuO3/SrTiO3/SrRuO3 and our first principle simulations on Au/MgO/Au and Pt/MgO/Pt nanocapacitors, we construct an analytical model that isolates the contributions of various physical mechanisms to the intrinsic dead layer. In particular we argue that strain-gradients automatically arise in very thin films even in absence of external strain inducers and, due to flexoelectric coupling, are dominant contributors to the dead layer effect. Our theoretical results compare well with existing as well as our own ab initio calculations and suggest that inclusion of flexoelectricity is necessary for qualitative reconciliation of atomistic results. Our results also hint at some novel remedies for mitigating the dead layer effect.Comment: 17 pages, 6 figure

    Effect of diet supplementation on growth and reproduction in camels under arid range conditions

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    Eighteen pregnant dromedary females (Camelus dromedarius) were used to determine the effect of concentrate supplement on growth and reproductive performances in peri-partum period. The females were divided into supplemented (n = 9; S) and unsupplemented (n = 9; C) experimental groups. All animals grazed, with one mature male, 7 to 8 hours per day on salty pasture rangelands. During night, they were kept in pen, where each female of group S received 4 kg per day of concentrate supplement during the last 3 months of gestation and 5 kg per day during the first 3 months post-partum. During the last 90 days of gestation daily body weight gain (DBG) was at least tenfold more important in group S than in group C (775 g vs. 72 g respectively). Supplementation affected birth weight of offspring (30.3 kg vs. 23.4 kg) and its DBG (806 g vs. 430 g) in group S and group C respectively. During the post-partum period, females in group S gained in weight (116 g per day) whereas females in group C lost more than 200 g per day. The mean post-partum interval to the first heat and the percentage of females in heat were 29.5 day and 44.4/ vs. 41.2 day and 71.4/ for the C and S groups, respectively. We conclude that under range conditions, dietary supplementation of dromedary during late pregnancy stage and post-partum period improves productive and reproductive parameters
